
Watch the Video Below and see why this Mastermind is for you…


If you are Ready to Upgrade your Business and your Mindset to Grow Mentally and Financially and become the best version of your yourself…

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10 Minutes from Now, You will be doing one of Two Things…

Explore all the great content I have laid out for you on how to grow your business, and get ready for our first Group Power Call, where you will learn so much from business owners like you.

Continue doing what you have always been doing and getting the same results over and over. Your results may not be wrong, but you are not considering joining if you don’t believe you could do better.


…Who are you spending your TIME With?

Want to continue hanging around free groups and getting the same information everyone else is getting or Do you want to be part of select group that is looking to advance their business and are actually working on their E-Commerce Stores every day?

According to Tony Robbins, Success is only 20% skill and the rest is all in your head.  This is a NO BS Business. Right mindset with the right skills means success.

Are you in business to win or just to try to get some additional income?  If you are here to win, then we are waiting on you..

Most Entrepreneurs are completely misunderstood by the people around them. When I quit my 9 to 5 my friends stopped talking to me because they taught I was a loser for leaving a 6 Figure job to sell Toys on Amazon; 8 years later there is no day I regret my decision.

I know you are in the same boat, you are looking for like minded individuals, You are looking for your Tribe.

My father used to tell me growing up: Tell me Who you hang out with and I will tell you who you are!  Want to be a winner, hang out with winners! Surround Yourself with those who are Not Committed to Success and you will eventually settle for less than you deserve.

Surround Yourself with People who Understands You.

Surround Yourself with People who Push You.


Surround Yourself with People who wants to grow with You.

  • NO BS Ecommerce is a professional community that brings the best version of ourselves to achieve our E-Commerce goals while growing our business with the help and influence of our Network while building relationships. 
  • Inside our Mastermind, you will get all the Training, Mentoring and Support you Need to Start Immediately Crushing it in your E-Commerce Business! 
  • We will give you the tools, Success is for you to achieve. 

Want to join the other side? all you have to do is open the Door… 

Being in Business is not just about Making Sales in any way possible – It is about being Honest with Yourself and Everyone Around You.

You know I am a Straight Shooter,  I will never BS my way around a question. Inside you will find no filters and my full focus to help you take your money all the way to the Bank every day, consistently. 

I didn’t name my business No Bs E-Commerce just to be all the way around.  Want me to tell you why you are not making money, I will tell but No Bs doesn’t mean I will disrespect you it Means I will respect you to tell you what you can improve. 

There is too much noise on Free/Open Groups to give dedicated content for a specific need. As a No BS Ecom Mastermind member, you get the best available answer to any question.

Some Content is only meant for real action-takers. When everyone has exceptional information, then nobody has it.

What is a Group Power Call? 

Every Week, on Thursdays at 12 PM CST we meet for 2 hours in a group environment to discuss E-Commerce, Print on Demand, Printables, Digital Products, and more.

During the call, each member has the right to ask questions, and I will do my best to give you the Best answer; members are also encouraged to add to the answer, which opens the floor to great business conversations. 

Many of our current members have gone on to form accountability partnerships, help each other, and build long-lasting relationships with like-minded individuals. 

But let’s see what some former and current members have to say…


Let me stat off by Saying That, Regardless of your E-Commerce Experience Level.. 

You are Joining No BS Ecom Mastermind to Make a Lot more Money than the cost of admission.

We are here to help you increase your revenue with your E-Commerce Stores regardless if is selling on Amazon, Etsy or Shopify. 

Winning is the name of the Game and you will be surrounded by winners every day inside our exclusive members area and during our Weekly Group Power Calls. People who not only understand your struggles but also share your goals. 

I will give you the tools, the winning mindset is for you to develop! Success in Ecommerce is all about always being in front of your customers and ahead of your competition. 

Are you Ready to Change to change your Future?  See you in the other Side…

Oh! You want to Know what you get when you join first?

  • You will be part of my Inner Circle, Which means you get preferential treatment when asking for help. 
  • Weekly Calls, 2 Hour live coaching calls with Q&A Sessions. 
  • Quarterly Masterclasses with Experts (Real Trainings not Interviews)
  • An Active Facebook Group with like Minded Entrepreneurs, This is a Real Mastermind, you will feel Supported and Mentored. 
  • Guides and Resources
  • 50% off to all my future courses and Workshops offered outside this Mastermind. 
  • Access to Recordings of Previous Calls. 

Quality Content and Support

Getting quality content and support these days is like a mission impossible. By Joining this community, you don’t only have access to me but the other members as well…. I encourage everyone to be an involved part of this community.

We want to make sure You are Learning the Information and Implementing it in your Life/Business.  Do not get Stuck,  We are here to help you overcome any Obstacle. 

Oh!! You Want Bonuses for Joining?

 I Can do That…


Bonus #1

Free 3 Monthly Packages of our Printables and KDP Design Club ($60 Value)

Bonus #2

Free Access to one of my Current Courses.  Your Choice!!  ($197 Value)

*Bonus #2 is only included on the 6 Months and 1 Year Programs.  

but the biggest bonus of them all, is all the knowledge you will get when you join us inside the No BS Ecom Mastermind.

Simple Pricing for Everyone

Save 19%


Per Month


Per Year


Per Month


Per Year


Per Month


Per Year

Weekly Power Calls

Facebook Group Access

Bonus #1


One 1-on-1 Coaching Call with Fernando

Still not sure this is for you? Lets Book a No Obligation call and get your questions answered.