
STOP WASTING Hundreds of hours of your life trying to figure out E-Commerce!

Every day, I see dozens of people ask the same question on Social Media: How do I get Started on Etsy or Shopify? The answers go all over the place. Everyone is an expert on the internet, and from that moment, more than half of those people are set on the wrong path.

The one answer they should have received is… You do not get started on E-Commerce until you know what, to whom, and how you will sell your future clients the product they want and need.

Get The Knowledge You Need and get Started selling on E-Commerce!

What is stopping you from earning the money you desire?

Have you given any thought about what is the one thing that you are passionate about? The one topic you could conversate for hours and that you feel confident you can bring value to this world.

Listen, I’ve Been There….

…and countless others, just like you, who struggle daily to figure out how to launch that business that will provide them with the financial freedom they desire

What if you could receive expert guidance to build the business of your dreams without wasting countless hours trying to figure it all out?

Imagine this: you simply let us set up your new Etsy or Shopify business while you follow my coaching methods.


With my specifically designed program, you’ll have a fully operational Etsy or Shopify store in just a few short weeks, and you won’t need any actual inventory. When managed correctly, this business can provide you with consistent income and numerous opportunities for growth.

I’ve Been In The E-Commerce Space for Over 10 Years. 

I’ve had lots of wins and fantastic days with record sales, but I also learned many painful lessons.

Being an entrepreneur is not easy. Every day is a different one, and every day is a new opportunity to learn. 

On E-Commerce nothing is guaranteed, a trend today is a fade tomorrow so we have to continuously evolve and keep learning. That is the key to success on any business. The day you stop learning is over. 

“Fernando, are you trying to discourage me from joining your program?”

On the contrary, I am here to assure you that you don’t have to do this alone. With my experience, you will gain valuable insights, including what pitfalls to avoid, as I share everything I continue to learn.

These past ten years have been of continuous obsession, determination but also of tears, and frustrations.

Today, I am confident that if I knew then what I know now, I would get where I am today in just a fraction of the time.

Believe me when I say, I get You!!

I once had what some would consider a dream job, making a 6 figure salary plus benefits, three weeks of paid vacation, a lovely home, a gorgeous wife, and three exceptional children. Some would say I had it all. 

I loved my big paycheck; after all, it paid for a lavish lifestyle, but once the lights went off and I returned to reality, It was not worth it!! I was miserable. I hated working 9-5 plus 2 hours of a daily commute, never sharing a meal with my family, and missing all their events. I didn’t get to enjoy life. Work was consuming me.

Have you ever felt this way?

And Then This Happened…

One Friday morning, I got a call from my boss with the best and worst news I have ever received. The company was going under, and they needed to let me go. In a matter of minutes, my six-figure income was gone.

With the unwavering support of my wonderful wife, Carla, I made the decision that day to never return to the corporate world. Despite being full of fear of the unknown but with a heart brimming with dreams, my entrepreneurial adventure truly began.

For the past ten years, I’ve sold on marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Etsy, and even on Facebook groups before they became popular, all while establishing my place in the e-commerce world. Sometimes I succeeded, and other times I failed.

I tried to become an expert every day until I learned my most important lesson.

I don’t need to be an expert to succeed in e-commerce—there are plenty of broke experts and many wealthy novices. I’d much rather be a wealthy novice.


In my business, I’m an expert in some areas and completely clueless in others. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. The key is to understand and accept what you can and can’t do.

What was the difference between failure and success? It took me a while to figure it out, but every time I found success, it was because I had someone by my side to show me how I needed to do things. And each time I failed, it was because I kept trying to re-invent the wheel – when each time, all I needed to do was accept that I needed help.

One common denominator in my success through the years: I never had to do this alone!! And you don’t have to either because I already have found the Easiest, Fastest, and Most productive way to find success in running an E-Commerce business.


What steps will you take to replace your current job and income with a better solution?

A solution that allows you to earn more money while providing the flexibility to work from anywhere, at any time.

I have students across the country, actually some on the other side of the world,  who are doing this while they travel. I’ve helped others quit their jobs and raise their families at home instead of relying on daycare.

What will you do when you earn back your time?

You want to take control of your future. Perhaps you dream of owning a successful company, selling products you’ve designed, products that carry your brand. You don’t want to spend your life watching the clock on someone else’s time.

The answer we all ask ourselves every single day is HOW? How am I going to launch the business of my dreams today?

The success you want is at the tips of your fingers!! 

Have you visualized what your life looks like when you found success? 

When you visualize, you materialize. You need to want this so badly that you can taste, feel, and smell your success. Success isn’t complicated, but it does require the right mindset. You don’t need to know exactly how you will achieve it, because when you desire it deeply enough, the way will reveal itself.

How Badly do you want to have a successful business and take control of your life?

Why waste time running in circles when you can get help and find success faster? Give yourself the chance to become an expert. All you need is a great idea, a great product, and customers—and we can show you how to find them. We’ll help you reach your goals faster and more efficiently.

You will be business-ready and ready to begin making your desired income in a few days. 

This Program provides all the Coaching, Training, and Support you need to bring your dream business to life.  

This is not just a course; it is a comprehensive coaching and support program specifically designed to help you own and operate a successful e-commerce business.

Over the next ten weeks, we will guide you through every step necessary to start selling online. As long as you put in the work and follow the program, you will find the success you seek.

You will receive support and guidance from our Team superior to any other offer because YOU will get ten weeks of Exclusive coaching with an E-Commerce Expert, Me… Fernando Sustaita, and the expertise of my Team. 

Working from home during the past year has opened the eyes of thousands if not millions of people. Working from home has shown them what they have been missing by being trapped inside an office.

Parents enjoyed spending time with their kids, and people got to spend weeks in rented homes around the country, enjoying traveling with only the need for an internet connection. Can you believe that you can manage your business with just a laptop and discipline?

Don’t you want to be able to never again to miss one of your kid’s events? To take your loved one on a trip for any special occasion without asking your boss for a day off? What about finally making time to go to the gym because you don’t have to commute 2 hours daily to work?

You are in control of your life now… Aren’t you?


Yes!! Of course, you want that!! And in this Program, YOU will not only be helped to launch a business, but YOU will also be helped to get your life back! — The Life you Deserve!!

When you have an inspired thought, you must trust it and act on it. Hesitation allows opportunities to slip away, pulling you back into the same routine and comfort zone, always hoping for a chance to improve your life.

I’ve been helping people build their e-commerce businesses for many years. I’ve been featured in publications and spoken at conventions. However, this program isn’t for everyone. It’s for you if you’re ready to take charge of your life and invest in yourself.

Everything is about mindset! You can achieve what I have; all you need is to learn how with a positive attitude. I’m no better than you—I simply discovered this path before you, and I want to help you succeed.

So… What is this Program?

This program is designed for those who want to launch a successful Etsy or Shopify store and need help building it while also learning how to run a successful Online store with products that sell.

Note: If you already have a store and only need coaching, we can just provide that. However, to better understand the program, we will present it as if you need the full package.

We have developed a “Done For You” service with you in mind. We will build your store and coach you on how to manage your new business successfully.

Are You Ready to Take Action?

You may wonder: How can I do this? You might tell yourself one or more of the following:

  1. I don’t have time. Managing a business is worse than having a 9 to 5.
  2. I know how, but I don’t want to deal with setting up the store.
  3. I don’t want to learn how to set up the store. I want to learn how to manage an Etsy or Shopify store and get consistent sales successfully.
  4. I’ve tried many times and never figured it out. No matter what I did, my results were always the same.

This is why we launched this program with you in mind. No matter where you are in your business journey, we will help you establish an Etsy or Shopify business in less than ten weeks.

With our guidance, you can manage a successful online store in just a few hours a day.

What is a “Done For You” program?

It’s a one-of-a-kind solution designed with YOU in mind. We will build your online store with you and our team working together.

You will receive a move-in ready store, complete with a beautiful design and ready for you to start creating listings.

This includes a Store Brand Package with a basic logo, store banners, store setup, supplier integration, and social media account connections.

While we do not create listings for you, our coaching program will teach you how to create listings and manage your store.

After the program concludes, you have the option of a recurring maintenance service where we can review your store and create new banners and other content for your store monthly or quarterly.



After you Join, this is what is going to happen…

1. A One-Hour Private Onboarding Call to create a personalized plan of action to improve or launch a successful E-Commerce business.

2. After the Onboarding call, my team will set up your Online Store. We will deliver a beautiful, move-in-ready store for you, ready for you to begin creating listings. The Package includes a Basic Logo, Store banners, setting up the store, Integrating with suppliers, and Connecting accounts with any social media.

3. Access to all my Courses.  

4. You will get continuous Support and guidance throughout the 10-week coaching program.

5. Six 1 Hour Private Coaching calls with Fernando Sustaita


1. Six Month access to our Private Facebook Group and be part of our Weekly 2-Hour Group Power Calls. These calls are our form of group coaching. During these calls, you will have the chance to ask any questions related to your business. This Group Coaching calls are to guarantee your continued growth. ($997 Value)

2.  Six Month access to our Printables and KDP Design Club.  On this membership, you will have monthly access to new, fully editable graphic designs and templates on Canva and other design software to help you with your Print on Demand, Printables or Digital Products business. ($120 Value) 

Believe me, when I say this is super affordable, especially considering the number of hours you will have with me, Fernando Sustaita, E-com & PoD expert, and my Team by your side.


How much time and money is it costing you not being coached by an E-com expert right now?

So, I’ll ask you again: 

Are you ready to launch a successful E-Commerce business? 

Yes? Great! All you have to do is schedule your no-commitment call, and let’s get together to achieve your goals for success with E-Commerce. 

Can I guarantee you will make money? I can’t because you will be working on your store at the end of the day. All I can guarantee is that I will work with you until you recover your investment as long as you demonstrate your commitment to success. 

It can begin today because I already went through all the pain, so you won’t have to. I have already created and tested the blueprint many times, so I know this works and will work for you too! You will have me by your side, making the best decisions for your business.

At the end of the day, whatever you decide, it is your choice

Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or can’t, every way you are right.”  

We are here to give you a solution full of value! In return, all we ask is your commitment to stay on task, put in the work, and launch the business of your dreams in ten weeks.

Are you Not Worth the Investment in Yourself?

Are you Ready to Take Action? 

Book your call and let’s see if we are a match,  no commitment.  Worst case you will get some idea of what to do moving forward with your business. 

What our Members are Saying…


Here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

I'm new to E-Commerce, Can I Still Join?

Absolutely! We all start somewhere. We welcome all levels of experience so you’ll feel right at home in our community.

Should I already have a store to join?

You do not have one, we can help you launch your first store or help you scale your current one.

Will coaching guarantee success?

No one can guarantee your success as your success is dependent upon you putting in the work and effort. This is not a magic formula…its a process.

What are your Terms and Conditions


You can read our terms and conditions Here

You can read our Privacy Policy Here

You can Read about our Earning Disclaimers Here

Is there a Refund if I change my mind?

No, because this is a coaching program there will be no refunds. You will get access to products and resources from Fernando Sustaita as well as coaching time when you sign up. 

Will I Have access to Fernando?

Yes, you will have access to a Private Facebook group as well as direct access to him to ask any questions while in the program. 

Can I Talk to you before joining?

Actually the reason why we have a calendar to schedule a call is because we want no one to join before talking directly with me (Fernando) about the program.  I want to make sure this is the right fit for both of us. 

How Much will it cost me to Join?

We will quote you based on what type store you want us to build for you, and the hours of coaching you would love to have. Building an Etsy store is faster and more affordable than a Shopify store.