
Want to Know a little About me? Where to begin…

I am a father, husband, son, and toy collector obsessed with E-commerce and helping others succeed.


From Business to Passion Time to Redefine the Way you See E-Commerce!

I’m guessing that you are looking to find out more about e-commerce, Etsy, Shopify, and Print on Demand and feel a bit overwhelmed? 

You are in the right place!

A bit about me. I am Fernando Sustaita and I am an eCommerce expert.


People always wonder why I have an accent if I was born in the United States. Well, buckle up, and I will tell you.

I was born in Chicago, Illinois, on a cold winter morning. By the time I was three years old, we had moved to Texas, specifically McAllen, which is on the border with Mexico. My family has been involved in importing and exporting Fresh Produce since before I was born.  

We moved to Mexico at an early age. I really don’t know why. My father, mother, and siblings all gave me different reasons; I guess each of them had their own.  All I know is that I had to go to school in Spanish and barely knew how to speak it.  So I had to immerse myself quickly and basically stopped speaking English only from time to time with siblings until Spanish became the norm and the 4 trips a year we had back to the States.  

When I turned 18 and graduated High School, I decided it was time to move back to the USA and go to College. See, I wasn’t a Mexican citizen, so there was no logic in me staying there. I wanted to move back to my country and live here. 

And here is where everything begins… 

I had no idea how the application process was, so I walked into the admissions office of the only University I knew. The University of Texas-Panamerican.  I said I wanted to go to college here and show them my grades and documentation, and they said sure, but first, you need to pass an English test. It was too late to join the semester so I said why not, may as well learn English correctly so I enrolled on English as a second language classes 

So here is what happened next…

I found my roommate who was doing his masters at the time, and he was from Ghana.  Then I made friends with four Germans, three Belgians,  eight Turks, two Brazilians, four Mexicans, one Paraguayan, and one American from a small town.  So yup,  relearning my language was easy, I guess everything was in the back of my head but I learn how to pronounce them again from people that were learning the language and an English speaker but who was using British English words with an African accent.  So that is why I have an accent. 

Anyway, my one regret was not accepting a scholarship to do my PhD, not only once but twice. Why? They offered me a $18,000 yearly full-time salary to be a teacher assistant while I got my fully paid PhD and young me decided that finding a job was a better offer.

I have a Degree in International Business and Marketing and, for some odd reason, a minor in Psychology. I also have a Master’s Certification in Commercial Contract Management from Villanova University. 

Some of you know my wife, Carla. Together, we have three wonderful kids. My firstborn is now leaving us to go to college, and the other two—well, they will stay with us for a little longer.  She is my best friend and biggest supporter.

My other hobbies are Racing, board games and autograph collecting

I began my e-commerce journey in 1998 because of my obsession with buying toys.  I have boxes and boxes of brand new toys still with their original packaging. So I began selling what I didn’t need, and before I realized I was flipping toys on eBay.  

Long story short, I was one of the first successful Amazon Custom sellers. When Amazon gave me an insider status and invited me, along with only five others, to their Golden Ticket get-together… 

I knew I wanted to share my e-commerce journey with others and help them build a business – or a new income source – they love.

Today, I own an Amazon business, have my own brand with print-on-demand products, and run Shopify and Etsy stores. There are no limits to e-commerce.

I don’t believe in having a “side hustle,” and that’s not what I teach. Stick with me and you’ll have the opportunity to build a successful E-commerce business from scratch (or have it built for you by my team).

E-commerce saved me from a boring and unsatisfactory corporate career that also never would have paid me as much, even though I’ve made those companies billions of dollars.

Values that leads us

I understand that sometimes we need that extra hand. My team helps you every step of the way. We offer customized strategy and easy implemntation for your ecommerce business.  We analyze what you’re currently doing, your current store if you have one and offer ways to increase your ROI and improve your process so your business not only thrives but grows! And to help you maintain your growth, we offer assistant services specifially for your ecommerce needs.

See Your Ideas & ecommerce Store 
come to life

Sometimes we have an idea but taking action on it seems so much harder than if someone could just get it started for you.  Take you by the hand and help you take that first step.  Either by doing it for you or fixing what you have.

 Growing your eCommerce business, whether it is a side business or your only business, shouldnt leave you make you stressed out.  We offer several services, courses and programs that work for your style.

What Our Clients say about me

I am so grateful for the knowledge I’ve gotten here. I know sometimes people forget to say thanks because this is online and that cat get really impersona. But I see how generous your are with your teaching and just personally, and how willing to go out of your way for people in the community, and that is pretty rare. The Mastermind and every course I have taken has cracked open my mind….


Mari Angeli

Etsy Seller

Just wanted to thank you for helping me set up my Etsy store.

The DFY Service was so detailed. It was such a relief knowing I had your team to go to for help when I needed it. Setting all that up on my own would’ve taken me forever, and even then, I may not have gotten it done correctly.

Plus, my store is already getting sales from Google as well as Etsy and it isn’t even done yet! I’m amazed. I’m getting sales almost every day now. That certainly isn’t happening on my other site that I did by myself.


BJ Richards

Etsy Seller

I want to give a testimonial for Fernando Sustaita for his DFY Services. I had my Etsy shop set up by Fernando and his team and was great that they did all the hard work of setting the shop and banners up and gave me some graphics for my stores. He taught me how to do the listings with Keywords. I sold my first item today, Proof that it works and he makes it easy for you.


Catherine Guhl

Etsy and Shopify Seller

Without Fernando I probably would have given up on continuing with my Etsy shop, but he helped me so much over the last year that now I have not one but two stores and my new store he has been helping me with has already outweighed my expectations with just a few months of being opened. Fernando is a absolute joy to work with and I would recommend anyone wanting help with their store or is thinking about opening one to seriously consider him as a coach! I couldn’t have done this without him! Thanks to you Fernando!


Callie Lynn

Etsy Seller